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Particular occupations

Departments >> Faculty of Medicine >> Clinic for Prosthetic Dentistry >>
Chair of Prosthetic Dentistry
Glückstrasse 11, D 91054 Erlangen, Phone 09131 8533604, Fax 09131 8536781
e-mail: Claudia.Ehrhardt@uk-erlangen.de
Vorstand: Prof. Dr. med. dent. Wichmann, Manfred, ext. 33604
Vorstandssekretariat: Ehrhardt, Claudia, ext. 33604
Assistenz des Klinikdirektors: Fuchs, Sabine, ext. 34288
Abrechnung: Stark, Christa, ext. 36441; Trumet, Margit, ext. 34224
Leitender Oberarzt: Prof. Dr. med. dent. Eitner, Stephan, ext. 33604
Oberärzte: Dr. med. dent. Bauer, Julia, ext. 33636; Dr. med. dent. Kirchner, Elena, ext. 33636; PD Dr. med. dent. Matta, Ragai, ext. 35806
Assistenten: ext. 33636; ext. 33604; ext. 33604; ext. 33636; ext. 33636; ext. 33604; ext. 33636; ext. 33636; ext. 33604; ext. 33636
Fotolabor: Radtke, Janusz, ext. 35998
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