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Trauma, Fiction, and "the Age of Extremes"

Oleksandr Kobrynskyy,, M.A.

2 SWS, Sprache Englisch
Zeit und Ort: Fr 10:15 - 11:45, C 601

Trauma has become a buzzword in literary criticism. In this course, we will focus on how traumatic events of the "short twentieth century (1914-1991)," a period described by the historian Eric Hobsbawm as "the Age of Extremes," were represented in fiction. We will also explore how literature deals with shock, trauma, and traumatisation. More specifically, we will grapple with questions of history and memory, psychology and narratology, trauma and recovery. A course syllabus and theoretical readings will be made available on StudOn.There will be no course on 18.4. and 30.5. For those writing a Hausarbeit we will agree on a date for an additional session on academic writing.

Empfohlene Literatur
required reading: Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway; D.M Thomas, The White Hotel; Anne Michaels, Fugitive Pieces; Sebastian Barry, The Secret Scripture

Zusätzliche Informationen
Für diese Lehrveranstaltung ist eine Anmeldung erforderlich.
Die Anmeldung erfolgt über: CASSY Erlangen

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Anglistik, insbesondere Literaturwissenschaft
UnivIS ist ein Produkt der Config eG, Buckenhof