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Me, Myself, and I? Auto/Biographical Representations in North America [Import]

Cedric Essi

2 SWS, benoteter Schein, ECTS-Studium
Studienschwerpunkte Phil.I/Phil.II, Sprache Englisch
Zeit und Ort: Mi 16:15 - 17:45, KH 1.013

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Das PS Literature gehört in folgenden Studiengängen jeweils zu folgenden Modulen:

BA English and American Studies (neu): Zwischenmodul II Literature. (Zulassungsvoraussetzung: Zwischenmodul I: Thematisches Kombinationsmodul)
Lehramt Englisch an Gymnasien (neu): Zwischenmodul L-GYM Literature: . (Zulassungsvoraussetzung: Basismodul Literature)

Lehramt Englisch an Grund-, Haupt- und Realschulen (neu): Zwischenmodul1 L-UF Literature. (Zulassungsvoraussetzung: Elementarmodul Literature)

This seminar will shed light on various forms of (auto)biographical representation: literary, visual, musical, digitial, individual and collective. Investigating a broad range of texts from (also Native) American beginnings around 1600 to contemporary self-representations such as blogs in the 21st century, we will analyze the autobiographical mode at different coordinates in the cultural history/histories of North America and interrogate its cultural, social and political functions.
While this seminar can be understood as a general introduction to American life writing (autobiography in the broadest sense), there will be an emphasis on categories of race, gender, class and their intersections. During the course of this seminar we will address questions such as: How did autobiographical narratives participate in the construction of “the New World”? In what ways did Native-American and Euro-American self-representations record intercultural encounters in Colonial America? Who is Benjamin Franklin? What is a (neo) slave narrative? What are autobiographical comics? How real is “realness” in works by artists like 50 Cent? How does an increasing number of people create digital life narratives by using, for example, the facebook timeline?

Zusätzliche Informationen

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Amerikanistik, insbesondere nordamerikanische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft
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