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Masterkurs: Invitation to Struggle: The American President, Congress and the War Power (MK IB 2)

PD Dr. Franz-Josef Meiers

2 SWS, Anwesenheitspflicht, ECTS-Studium
Master, Sprache Englisch, Mastermodul Pol IB (Anmeldung per E-mail: Franz-Josef. Meiers@fau.de)
Zeit und Ort: Mi 14:15 - 15:45, 00.6 PSG

The role of the executive and legislative branches of U.S. government will be analyzed in a historical perspective. The central focus is on the use of U.S. armed forces in oversea hostilities after World War II. The central question is why the war powers slipped through the fingers of Congress.

Empfohlene Literatur
Introductory Literature:
James A. Baker, III, and Warren Christopher (Co-Chairs), National War Powers Commission Report, Miller Center of Public Affairs, University of Virginia, July 2008
Barry M. Blechmann, The Politics of National Security. Congress and U.S. Defense Policy, New York 1990
Cecil Crabb, Jr., und Pat M. Holt, Invitation to Struggle. Congress, the President, and Foreign Policy, Washington, D.C., 1992 (4th ed.)
Roger H. Davidson (Hrsg.), Congress and the Presidency: Invitation to Struggle, Beverly Hills, CA, 1988
Louis Fisher, Presidential War Power, Lawrence, Kansas 2004 (2nd ed.)
Louis Henkin, Foreign Affairs and the United States Constitution, Oxford 1996
Pat M. Holt, The War Power Resolution. The Role of Congress in U.S. Armed Intervention, Washington, DC, American Enterprise Institute, 1978
William G. Howell and Jon C. Pevehouse, While Dangers Gather. Congressional Checks on Presidential War Powers, Princeton und London 2007
Harold Hongju Koh, The National Security Constitution. Sharing Power after the Iran-Contra Affair, New Haven und London 1990
Thomas E. Mann (Hrsg.), A Question of Balance. The President, the Congress and Foreign Policy, Washington, D.C., 1990
Thomas E. Mann and Norman Ornstein, The Broken Branch. How Congress is Failing and How to Get it Back on Track, Oxford 2006
James A. Robinson, Congress and Foreign Policy Making, Homewood, Ill., 1967, rev. ed
Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., The Imperial Presidency, New York 1973
Abraham D. Sofar, War, Foreign Affairs and Constitutional Power: The Origins, Cambridge, MA, 1976
James L. Sundquist, The Decline and Resurgence of Congress, Washington, D.C., 1981
Garry Wills, Bomb Power. The Modern Presidency and the National Security State, New York 2010
John Yoo, The Powers of War and Peace. The Constitution and Foreign Affairs After 9/11, Chicago und London 2005
John Yoo, Crisis and Command. A History of Executive Power From George Washington to George W. Bush, New York 2009

Zusätzliche Informationen
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Institution: Institut für Politische Wissenschaft
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