"We design the future" Founded in 1966, the Faculty of Engineering Sciences of the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuernberg (FAU) was the first such faculty at a classical university in Germany. Concerning size and importance, it is now practically a fully fledged technical university. Though still under the roof of the FAU, it offers one of the broadest ranges of subjects in Germany and research and teaching is intensely focused on application and practical use.
The facultys five departments (Chemical Engineering; Electrical, Electronic and Communication Engineering; Computer Sciences; Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering; Materials Sciences) are divided into 47 sub-departments mostly based on a
methodical and technological concept.
An increasing amount of interdisciplinary scientific exchange manifests itself in a number of co-operations with strong partners in industry and economics, within research projects and associations, with the Faculties of Natural Sciences and Medicine as well as
with the Department of Philosophy and within the Faculty of Engineering Sciences itself. The Faculty of Engineering Sciences offers a high-level engineering education, which at present is taken advantage of by 3,800 students with an upwards trend.
The Faculty of Engineering Sciences of the FAU is the only university-level teaching and research institution for engineering sciences in Northern Bavaria. Its national as well as
international reputation is excellent and it is considered to be one of the German institutions in the area of engineering sciences most involved in research. Among other things the Faculty of Engineering Sciences of the FAU ranked second in the category amount of third party funding per professor in the most recent (2003) ranking of the
German Research Foundation.
Focus of researchWissenschaftsschwerpunkte
Die Wissenschaftsschwerpunkte an der Technischen Fakultät zeichnen sich durch interdisziplinären Dialog zwischen den Fächern und Einrichtungen aus. Schwerpunkte der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit liegen in den Bereichen: Chemie- und Bioingenierwesen:
Neue Materialien und Prozesse
Optische Technologien und Bildgebung
Modellierung und Simulation
Medizintechnik, Life Science Engineering
Elektrotechnik- Elektronik und Informationstechnik:
Elektrische Energietechnik
Elektronik und Mikrosysteme
Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik
Allgemeine Werkstoffeigenschaften
Werkstoffkunde und Technologie der Metalle
Glas und Keramik
Korrosion und Oberflächentechnik
Materialien der Elektronik und Energietechnik
Werkstoffe der Medizin
Neue Materialien und Prozesse
Life Science Engineering und Medizintechnik
Modellierung und Simulation
Energietechnik und Mobilität
Optische Technologien
Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik
Mikro- und Nanotechnologie
| Dean Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Kai Willner