UnivIS Informationssystem der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg - Semester: WS 2018/2019



Computational models of biomaterial failure [CoMBiF]

V/UE; 2 SWS; ECTS: 3
WPF MWT-MA-WSI ab 1 Moretti, P.
    Mi10:15 - 11:452.018-2 Seminarraum Technikum 2  Moretti, P.
 First lecture on 18.04.2018.

Computational Models of Biomaterial Failure II [CoMBiF II]

V/UE; 2 SWS; ECTS: 3; Mi, 08:15 - 09:45, 2.018-2 Seminarraum Technikum 2
Moretti, P.

Dislocation Theory and Dislocation Simulation (Tutorial) [Disloc (T)]

UE; 1 SWS; ECTS: 1,5; Lecture and tutorial will be held alternatingly; Mi, 15:15 - 16:45, 2.018-1 Besprechungsraum Technikum 2; First lecture on 07.11.2018
WPF MWT-MA-WSI 1-2 Zaiser, M.

Introduction to Advanced Maths and Calculus [Math]

SEM; 1 SWS; Einzeltermine am 16.10.2018, 14:00 - 17:00, 2.018-2 Seminarraum Technikum 2; 19.10.2018, 8:00 - 11:00, 2.018-2 Seminarraum Technikum 2; 29.10.2018, 9:30 - 11:30, 2.018-2 Seminarraum Technikum 2
Moretti, P.

Scientific Programming with Python [SciProgPy]

SL; 1 SWS; Blockveranstaltung 15.10.2018-19.10.2018 Mo-Fr, 14:00 - 15:45, CIP Pool WW; This course will be held as a compact block seminar during the first week of lecture period. This course is highly recommended for all students who take part in WW8 courses (e.g. MuSim 1 or FEM 1) and who don't have any prior Python knowledge. Since only limited places are available for this course you have to sign up for this course on StudOn. Students of the MAP and CE master programmes are also encouraged to join the "Pre-course on Linux and MATLAB" (Prof. Bitzek), which will take place on 04.10 and 05.10, and will provide an ideal background to the Python course.
Moretti, P.
