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Foundations of Finite Element Simulation (Lecture/Tutorial)

Prof. Dr. Michael Zaiser

1 cred.h, benoteter certificate, ECTS studies, ECTS credits: 1,5
nur Fachstudium, Sprache Englisch
Time and place: Wed 10:15 - 11:45, CIP Pool WW; comments on time and place: Topic: FEM I Time: Wednesdays 10:15 AM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna Join Zoom Meeting https://fau.zoom.us/j/93555063204?pwd=WmZ4L1ozaCtUOEpKMDZ2VHVnK2xZdz09 Meeting ID: 935 5506 3204 Passcode: 876554

Fields of study

Prerequisites / Organisational information
Prerequisite for this course is knowledge of Python (as e.g. obtained by our "Scientific Programming with Python" course).

This course provides a concise introduction to continuum mechanics including vector and tensor calculus. This is one of the foundations for comprehending the finite element method (FEM), which will be derived in a way that is appropriate for solving solid mechanics problems. In this course we focus on introducing all the fundamental steps (formulation of balance equations, constitutive equations, discretization, setting up the weak form, numerical integration, assembling the stiffness matrix) for FEM solution of small-strain elastic deformation problems. The course is accompanied by hands-on tutorials where the students learn how to implement the lecture content in their own PYTHON finite-element routines and at the same time deepen their understanding of the lecture content. At the end of this course the students will have written a fully functional FEM program, which we then use to study benchmark systems and to simulate different mechanical systems. A critical review of their own results will help the students to understand strengths and limitations of the FEM simulation tools. (erwartete Hörerzahl original: 15, fixe Veranstaltung: nein)

ECTS information:
Credits: 1,5

Additional information
Expected participants: 15, Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 50

Assigned lectures
UE ([präsenz]):Foundations of Finite Element Simulation (Tutorial)
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Michael Zaiser
Time and place: n.V.

Verwendung in folgenden UnivIS-Modulen
Startsemester WS 2022/2023:
Discrete and Continuum Simulation (DCS)
Kernfach Werkstoffsimulation (COMM)
Multiscale Materials Simulation (CE_MuSim)
Werkstoffsimulation für NT (M7) (M7-WW8)

Department: Chair for Materials Simulation
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