UnivIS Informationssystem der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg - Semester: SS 2012


Optical Material and Systems

Advanced Laser

V/UE; 4 SWS; Schein; ECTS: 5; Mo, 14:00 - 16:00, AOT-Kursraum; Do, 10:00 - 12:00, AOT-Kursraum; 4-hours lecture; final dates will be agreed with students in the first week
WPF AOT-GL 2-3 Joly, N.

Evolution equations and solitons in nonlinear optics

V/UE; 4 SWS; ECTS: 5; Fr, 16:00 - 20:00, AOT-Kursraum; Einzeltermin am 1.6.2012, 16:00 - 20:00, AOT-Bibliothek
WPF AOT-GL 2-3 Biancalana, F.

Labcourse: Optical Material and Systems [OMS/LAB]

PR; 2 SWS; Schein; ECTS: 2,5; Di, 15:30 - 19:00, 9:00 - 12:30, AOT-Praktikumslabor; Mi, 8:30 - 11:30, AOT-Praktikumslabor; Einzeltermin am 13.7.2012, 8:00 - 12:00, AOT-Praktikumslabor; N.N.; Vorbesprechung: 23.4.2012, 13:00 - 14:00 Uhr, AOT-Kursraum
WPF AOT-GL ab 2 Joly, N.
Perez Castaneda, A.M.

Optical properties of modern materials

V/UE; 4 SWS; Do, 16:00 - 18:00, AOT-Kursraum; Mi, 12:00 - 14:00, AOT-Kursraum
WPF AOT-GL 2-3 Zhuromskyy, O.
