Informationssystem der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg © Config eG 

Kombiseminar Historicity

Dr. Nadine Böhm-Schnitker, Dr. Michael Klotz

2 SWS, Sprache Englisch
Zeit und Ort: Mi 14:15 - 15:45, A 603 (Bismarckstr. 1); Di 16:15 - 17:45, C 603

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Das Thematische Kombinationsmodul (fachwissenschaftliche Anteile) gehört in folgenden Studiengängen jeweils zu folgenden Modulen:
BA English and American Studies (neu): Zwischenmodul I: Thematisches Kombinationsmodul. (Zulassungsvoraussetzung: bestandene GOP)

Course Description: The course will focus on language, literature and its corresponding discoursesas historically evolved phenomena. The linguistic part of the course will be an exploration of the English language at the time when Shakespeare wrote his plays: Early Modern English. What was English like during this time structurally as well as socially? How was it pronounced and how did grammatical structures differ from those of present day English? And what is the evidence on which we can base our analysis?
The literary and cultural part will mainly investigate early modern plays and poems, but also texts in the context of the battle of the sexes with its dashing wit combats.Historicity will be explored by first of all establishing some of the central concerns of the period, and by reflecting on the historical differences between the 16th and the 21st centuries. We will start out by tracing the history of the sonnet from Chaucer to Shakespeare and the effects of linguistic change on literary production. Besides, we will explore drama as well as the precursors of the novel with regard to literary form and gender issues.

Empfohlene Literatur
Primary texts:
William Shakespeare, The Taming of the Shrew; Romeo and Juliet; selected sonnets (Arden Edition, StudOn) Thomas Morus, Utopia (Norton edition)
Das Thematische Kombinationsmodul (fachwissenschaftliche Anteile) gehört in folgenden Studiengängen jeweils zu folgenden Modulen: BA English and American Studies (neu): Zwischenmodul I: Thematisches Kombinationsmodul. (Zulassungsvoraussetzung: bestandene GOP) Extracts from exemplary prose texts (StudOn)
Nevalainen (2006), An Introduction to Early Modern English. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Zusätzliche Informationen
Für diese Lehrveranstaltung ist eine Anmeldung erforderlich.
Die Anmeldung erfolgt über: CASSY Erlangen

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Anglistik, insbesondere Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft
UnivIS ist ein Produkt der Config eG, Buckenhof