Information system of Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg © Config eG 


Fundamentals of Optics [FUNd/OPT(A)]

V/UE; Online; certificate; ECTS: 15; asynchron; Mon, 16:15 - 17:45, 00.152-113; Fri, 10:15 - 11:45, 00.152-113; The course will be conducted as online course. The given time slots are live sessions. In addition students watch recorded lessons.
PF AOT-GL 1 Fattahi, H.
Sandoghdar, V.
Knorr, J.

Labcourse: Optics in Medicine

PR; 2 cred.h; ECTS: 2,5; Zeit und Raum n.V.
WPF AOT-GL ab 2 Schürmann, S.

Numerical tools in optics (Matlab)

UE; Online; 2 cred.h; ben. certificate; ECTS: 2,5; Tue, Fri
WPF AOT-GL 3 Perez Castaneda, A.

Photonics in Healthcare Exercises

UE; Präsenz; 2 cred.h; ECTS: 2,5; Gaststudierende; Zeit und Raum n.V.
WPF AOT-GL ab 1 Klämpfl, F.

Advanced Optical Communication Systems [AOC(A)]

VORL; Präsenz; 2 cred.h; ben. certificate; ECTS: 5; Tue, 16:15 - 17:45, HF-Technik: SR 05.222
WPF AOT-GL 2-3 Schmauss, B.

Advanced Optical Communication Systems Exercises

UE; Präsenz; 2 cred.h; Wed, 10:15 - 11:45, HF-Technik 0.144; Excersises will start on 27.10.21
WPF AOT-GL 2-3 Härteis, L.

Basic of Lasers

VORL; Online; 4 cred.h; certificate; ECTS: 5; Mon, 14:15 - 15:45; Tue, 12:15 - 13:45; The course will be conducted as online course. For more details and registrationplease go to https://www.studon.fau.de/crs3259156_join.html
WPF AOT-GL ab 1 Joly, N.

Nanospektroskopie [NanoSpek(A)]

VORL; Online; 2 cred.h; ECTS: 3; Die VL findet über ZOOM statt: Zoom-Meeting beitreten https://fau.zoom.us/j/8483035447?pwd=aHBLVnZ4aVN0SUN0ZHQ5c1VHMkdIZz09 Meeting-ID: 848 303 5447 Kenncode: 932593; Mon, 14:15 - 15:45, 3.71
WPF AOT-GL ab 1 Heiß, W.
Batentschuk, M.

Optical Communication Networks [OptK(RZ)]

VORL; 2 cred.h; ben. certificate; ECTS: 2,5; Fri, 16:15 - 17:45, 05.025
WPF AOT-GL ab 1 Haunstein, H.

Photonics in Healthcare

VORL; Präsenz; 2 cred.h; ECTS: 2,5; Gaststudierende; Zeit und Raum n.V.
WPF AOT-GL ab 1 Klämpfl, F.

Image Processing in Optical Nanoscopy [IPNano(A)]

V/UE; ECTS: 5; Tue, 12:15 - 13:45, 00.151-113; Termine sind auf der Studon Seite zu finden;
WPF AOT-GL ab 1 Köstler, H.

Optical Technologies in Life Science [OTLS(A)]

V/UE; Online; 4 cred.h; ECTS: 5; Mon, 08:15 - 11:30, SR 02.028
WPF AOT-GL 1-4 Schürmann, S.
Friedrich, O.
Waldner, M.

Waveguides, optical fibres and photonic crystal fibres [OMS/WAV(A)]

V/UE; Online; 4 cred.h; ECTS: 5; Mon, 12:15 - 13:45, 0.154-115; Tue, 10:15 - 11:45, 00.152-113; The course will be conducted as online course (with a mix of live and recorded lessons). For more details and registration please go to https://www.studon.fau.de/crs3262147_join.html
WPF AOT-GL 3 Joly, N.
Schmauss, B.

Advanced Semiconductor Technologies - Manufactoring and Characterization of Phosphors and Dielectric Mirrors

PR; 2 cred.h; certificate; ECTS: 2; Zeit und Raum n.V.
WF AOT-GL ab 1 Batentschuk, M.

Arduino hard- and software for lab applications and beyond [NW]

PR; Präsenz; 5 cred.h; ECTS: 2,5; block seminar 4.10.2022-14.10.2022 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, 9:00 - 17:30, EP 00.572/00.573
WF AOT-GL ab 1 Gmelch, M.

Advanced Semiconductor Technologies - Photovoltaic Systems for Power Generation - Design Implementation and Characterization [AST-PVS-Design(A)]

V/UE; Online/Präsenz; 2 cred.h; ben. certificate; ECTS: 3; In Ausnahmefällen als ZOOM- Meeting. Anmeldung im StudOn wird empfohlen / In exceptional cases as a ZOOM meeting. Registration in StudOn is recommended. Allgemeine Vorbesprechung zum Studium am MEET am 18.10.21 um 9 Uhr, ZOOM: https://fau.zoom.us/j/66397932198?pwd=TCt5Unlack5BVTFUckpUelBQeDgyUT09 Meeting-ID: 663 9793 2198 Kenncode: 022307; Tue, 08:15 - 09:45, 3.71; Wenn online, dann Videos im StudOn / If ZOOM meeting, then videos in StudOn, Preliminary meeting: 18.10.2021, 9:00 - 10:00, Zoom meeting
WF AOT-GL ab 1 Brabec, Ch.J.
Hauch, J.

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